I'm proud of the wonderful relationships I've developed with my clients. I hope you'll take a minute to read my testimonials!

Bill’s a great teacher! He’s goal oriented, supportive, and a lot of fun.

Bill Cakmis has fine tuned the art of effective communication and shares key techniques for getting your message heard, felt and absorbed the way you intended it to be.

Bill helps you make your perspective reactive. He helps you hone in on what you wanna say and the best way to say it!

Bill Cakmis has a unique aptitude for connecting with people, which makes him stand out significantly as a speaker. His presentations are extraordinary, leaving his audience engaged, entertained, motivated, and informed. Recently Bill was invited to present to a group of music industry leaders on the topic of goal setting – a topic that most in the audience had heard many times. After an hour, the audience was left eager to learn more. Bill has something to offer a variety of audiences – young, old, successful or simply just starting out. We can all learn something from Bill Cakmis.

No person has had a greater impact on my development and growth as a television news anchor than Bill Cakmis. He has the unique gift of bringing out your best qualities, using creative and effective methods, while encouraging confidence throughout the empowering process. I definitely owe my multiple “Best Anchor” awards to the on-air skills and talents that Bill has helped me develop.

Bill bettered my skills and my attitude, improving all phases of my career. He’s the ultimate pro!

Bill’s relaxed environment helped me to gain invaluable experience.

What I hate about talent coaches is that they all want to mold us into this traditional image of a good speaker. Bill, however, thinks outside the box. He recognizes there is something more that commands an audience’s attention. Consequently, Bill is not going to try and change you or turn you into one of the masses. He will make you stand out by capitalizing on that which makes you unique. Anybody can tell a story but…nobody can tell it the way you can. Bill focuses on your strengths and makes your own storytelling style much more effective. The guy is great.

Bill Cakmis can derail a loaded freight train and turn it in the direction it needs to be going. You are the freight train… he is the conductor!

Bill’s ability to “get you” from the very beginning is what makes him able to “get you” the things you want most in life. Very simply put, he made me a better me!!

The one I cannot lie to. The one I cannot make excuses to. He sees right through you. But, best of all, within a few moments, he knows you as well, if not better, than you do.

As an on camera coach, Bill Cakmis communicates with students in a way that challenges them to grow dramatically. His insights take fear out of the audition equation and empower actors to confidently approach the casting room!

Bill’s knowledge and experience encompass not only acting, but directing and writing as well, making him an excellent coach for the well-rounded professional.

Bill helped me break through barriers, work through fears and reach a new plateau in my work. His love and respect for actors shines through everything he does!

The incredible Bill Cakmis taught me how to be a charismatic, generous, and energetic on-camera host and anchor. More importantly, Bill stressed the intrinsic value of being an effective leader whether the cameras are rolling or not. He knows how crucial it is to work hard, to take responsibility for yourself and your actions, to be kind to others, to remain humble, to never stop learning, and to own every aspect of your life. I always hear Bill’s voice in my head reminding me to be grateful for the past, to live in the present with passion and gusto, and to walk toward the future with purpose.

Some talent coaches are all surface… working to get you into the “traditional news anchor” box. That’s not Bill Cakmis. Bill is about tapping into your unique talent and amplifying what you bring to the anchor desk. I worked with him for my entire 16-year career, and I credit my success to his honest, inspiring approach to talent development. Thanks, Bill!

Bill is an amazing talent coach who has the ability to take the “acting” out of the actor. No matter how much experience the talent has, there’s always room for improvement and Bill Cakmis is a “fine-tuning” professor! Leave your ego’s at the door!

When Corello was going through a change of direction and a turbulent time, Bill was the one who moved the clouds away and caused the sun to shine right into our hands. Corello would not of made it through the clouds if it were not for Bill Cakmis.

Bill has helped me grow exponentially in my broadcast career. He has a vast knowledge of television and what it takes to be successful in it. I’m communicating with my audience in ways I never did before, thanks to Bill. And it’s paying off!

I’ve worked with Bill for a number of years and he always brings a fresh perspective, new ideas, and a sense of positive energy to his sessions. He’s a ‘real world’ guy who takes a fun, no-nonsense approach to his coaching. He leaves me with a renewed purpose and a clear vision for my role as a communicator, and a journalist. Bill has my highest recommendation!

Bill Cakmis is an aMAZing coach and mentor! His ability to communicate the truth, while helping us form a cohesive stage show and business plan was SO helpful to me and my band. His love for people is contagious and he understands the road to success. So grateful I’ve had the chance to work with him!!

Bill is fond of saying he doesn’t give people talent. It’s true. What he does is bring out their best performance and that’s what happened in my case. Bill worked with me and together we came up with a set of techniques I could use in every newscast I anchored. My news director noticed the improvement immediately. Every TV station needs Cakmis!

I’ve seen first-hand what Bill Cakmis can do for a client, and it’s amazing. He focuses on your weak areas to improve them, at the same time strengthening your natural assets. Any musician/performer who is dealing with the media would be wise to work with him.

Bill Cakmis approaches actors, artists, speakers, business professionals and on-air talent with focus, humor and grace. His methods are customized to each client and immediately visible. If presentation —in any medium— is central to your profession, you owe it to yourself to find your edge with Bill Cakmis. He is simply the best.

I consider my self very lucky to have been directed by Bill Cakmis twice in the theatre productions, The Real Inspector Hound and The World Premiere of Early One Evening at the Rainbow Bar and Grill where Bill trusted me with the female lead in both plays. When you work with Bill Cakmis, you are in for a real treat because he is your advocate, your coach and your mentor. You may find yourself committed to the work more than you had anticipated but you will be nothing but delighted with the out come! Bill Cakmis dedication to craft will give you the ability to surpass where you even dreamed of going!

As a coach and mentor, Bill has helped me to better my skills on the stage, as well as on other platforms. Although the truth is hard to hear sometimes, you can count on him to provide you with honesty and no nonsense advice. His charismatic guidance combined with his unparalleled knowledge of the industry make him one of the best in the business.

Bill has an uncanny ability to see beyond the “face” we all put on and parade around in over our lifetimes, to see what’s at our core. I will never forget our first coaching session more than 12 years ago: I felt like he had read a biography of my life before meeting me. He used that ability to get me to dig beyond the superficial, to communicate to my viewers what’s real, so that I’m not just reading the news – I’m relating to them in a personal, individual way. I have no doubt I owe my success in very large part to following his coaching advice.

Bill Cakmis is an incredible blessing in my life! His feedback and direction have proven invaluable as I prepare for appearances on TV, radio, and presentations before live audiences. His coaching expertise is unparalleled!

Why have some television personalities, newscasters and actors commanded our attention and respect for decades, while others never seem to connect with an audience? Cakmis’ reflections are both wise and entertaining. They are of great value to seasoned as well as aspiring media professionals.

Invite Bill Cakmis into your newsroom and you will get results. Bill knows his craft. Through talent coaching, writing and camera choreography he can teach your anchors how to better connect with the viewers. Bill’s experience allows him to cut to the problem quickly. He has real, actionable advice. It’s not just theory. He will teach your anchors what they can do that night in the newscast. Bill is a true pro who not only knows his stuff, but is fun to work with.

Loved working with Bill. He is talented, honest, and direct. Our talent enjoyed working with Bill, but more importantly he helped make our talent better.

Bill coached the William Morris Endeavor (WME) staff to help us relate to our clients in a way that sets us apart in the industry. His message included useful anecdotes that were both educational and entertaining. A coaching day with Cakmis is time well spent.

Bill’s no-nonsense, yet gentle approach is key to his success for helping “host whisperers” or any other on-air talent. His keen observations about production are also invaluable to an entire team. He worked wonders for our crew at Splash Media.

Bill helped me break through barriers, work through fears and reach a new plateau in my work. His love and respect for actors shines through everything he does!

Bill Cakmis has one of the best ‘eyes’ in the business

Bill teaches you how to “talk” to your audience so viewers can relate to you, understand your message, and trust you. His advice improved my reporting, anchoring, and my ratings.

I have worked with Bill for a decade. His eye to detail is uncanny, his breath of knowledge seemingly infinite. Love how he uses the King’s English and his stage experience in his sessions. What floored me was how he dressed at the First Annual Cakmis Golf Invitational… a Don Ho shirt and G.I. Joe pants. Anyone who can get away with that is a star in my book.

Bill has more skill, humor and depth as a director than most people dream of!

I believe so strongly in what he says… his lessons are truly essential for each and every one of my clients…

Cakmis not only teaches you how to reach people, but how to hold their attention. Simply put, his guidance helps you to be all you can be.

No one had more to do with my success than Bill Cakmis. He brought me further, faster, than I could have imagined. I was named Weather man of the year, three straight years, and I have Bill to thank for it. Simply put, Bill gets it. He has an uncanny ability to take what you’re doing and make it better instantly.

I have had many talent coaches and Bill is not only my favorite, but the best! He is always on-point. His thoughts and views are current and he is able to see both the big and small picture. Sitting down with him for a session is not only fun but super instructive.

I’ve known Bill from The Weather Channel as my talent coach over the past several years. The Weather Channel looked for the best when seeking coaching for their on-camera meteorologists. Not only was Bill a pleasure to work with, but he always pushed us to achieve better results. I believe Bill’s coaching helped bring out my best.

A gifted teacher, I couldn’t recommend him higher!

Bill’s eye for detail and nuance along with his ability to effectively communicate his expertise are what make him the best in the business.

Bill helped me understand the performance element of TV-News. No one-size fits all solution. You get targeted specific techniques. You can’t help but get better at what you do.

Before I was “Cakmisized”, I was delivering the news in a way I thought reporters and anchors SHOULD. Now, I’m more myself, invested and solidly linked to my viewers. It takes much more work and courage, but isn’t authenticity worth that?

Bill is by far the greatest talent coach I have ever had the privilege of working with in my 20 years of broadcasting. Not only does he understand talent but he also understands managers and can act as a liaison to accurately present and implement the goal. He also had the most uncanny ability to understand this crazy weatherman, harness the energy and bring in down, not lost, to a workable show host!

As an anchor on a number-one rated morning news show, Bill helped coached me on two very important fronts: what I was saying and HOW I was saying it. He helped me realize how to deliver information in a way that would make it relevant and interesting to our viewers. He also helped me to understand the role that body language played in the broader picture. His insights were invaluable.

Bill Cakmis has done amazing things with our “up front” church staff. We hired Bill to come and teach us how to present ourselves in the best possible way while we are leading worship. Bill taught us the art of speaking and teaching in a comfortable and professional manner. When you have the world’s most important message to share it is important that you do it as effectively as possible!

Bill is more than a teacher; he is a motivator who not only helps as an anchor and reporter but also with leadership skills and in relationship dynamics at work.

My station paid for a 3-day session with Bill Cakmis. Those three days made more of an impact on me than the previous three years in TV news. I still use the techniques he taught me in my work today. They made me a better story teller and helped me communicate more powerfully with the audience.

Bill’s vast experience in ‘everything communication’ brings unique perspective to the goals I have as a television broadcaster. He’s not like other talent coaches who can make you feel insecure or uncomfortable during work sessions. Bill’s so approachable; after meeting him, you’ll want to work hard to achieve the goals he helps you define.

Bill will bring out the best in you. He’ll always help you to see what you’re doing right, or, in many cases wrong, and why. He’ll help you understand yourself better than you know yourself. And, he’ll make you smile and love life with gusto.

I am so glad I took Bill’s workshop! He is an excellent teacher who has no qualms about pushing you to be better and not accepting less than what he knows you’re capable of. Not only did Bill give great insider technique tips on ways to act more like the pros, he layers the workshop so that you can build on the skills you learned the week prior. I learned more in 4 weeks with Bill than I did in several other workshops combined. Bill’s workshop taught me that acting is a gift and every chance I get to do it is an opportunity to do it better and he equips you with the knowledge to do it better and enjoy it more each time.

Bill has been such a huge part in my growth, and I would not have half the confidence I have to embark on this journey as an actor without his wisdom and guidance!

Instead of just teaching and coaching, Bill shares his experiences that are valuable not only in the audition process but in life. Since learning from him, I feel that I have gotten a new confidence, attitude., and commitment for acting.

Bill’s insight on the auditioning process was an eye opener on what is arguably one of the most important steps in being a working actor. This class not only deconstructed the audition, but also helped guide my own journey in understanding and being comfortable with who I am as an actor and how that knowledge is key to booking that next role. This class is a must for the actor serious about their craft.

Bill Cakmis teaches you technique you can use in the casting room that will make you feel confident about your audition.

I can’t begin to say how much Bill Cakims’ coaching has meant to my career! His approach is straight forward and right on the mark. I learned more from Bill in 2 or 3 sessions than I learned on my own in 15 years. His techniques truly are amazing! He is “THE” coach!

As a Coach and Mentor, Bill Cakmis brings an entirely new perspective to everyone he meets. He reminds you that we’re all on the same journey towards growth and that we are never finished learning. His no-nonsense and just approach helps one accept constructive criticism easily- without feeling anything but a want to improve. Anytime you don’t “get it,” you will have it delivered in an incredibly witty and metaphorical package…that you can’t wait to open!

Bill’s breadth of experience brings an ability to focus on what each actor uniquely needs.Bill will teach you what casting directors are looking for in an audition.
Bill will teach you what to do and what NOT to do in an audition.
I wish I had taken Bill’s Audition Technique class years ago.
I feel much more confident about auditions now that I have taken Bill’s Audition Technique class.
Bill’s Audition Technique class is chock full of information on what to do, what not to do, why to do it and what the casting director is looking for in the casting room.
In his Audition Technique class, Bill will give you the feedback that you never get from casting directors. This is something all actors need.
Years of Scene Study had not prepared me well for castings, but Bill’s Audition Technique class did. Thank you, Bill!